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How to Choose the Right Water Tanker Size

Apr 16, 2024
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A water tanker, or water truck, is used to transport water to sites without a water supply. Although they come in different sizes and configurations, they are typically equipped with water pumps and spray nozzles positioned around the truck. These vehicles are used in industries like construction, mining, and landscaping for tasks like dust control, soil compaction, and equipment cleaning.

In this post, we go over how much water tankers hold by type, and help you find the best vehicle for your job.


Common Uses of Water Tanker Trucks

There are many applications for water tanker trucks in industrial and construction settings. Here are some of the most common uses:

Dust control: Moistening dry earth cuts down dust on a jobsite. Dust reduces visibility and increases health and environmental risks, so minimizing it is key.

Soil compaction: Soil needs to be compacted to create even ground for construction projects. Water helps soil compact evenly. It’s also useful for checking if the ground is even after leveling it because water will pool in areas that aren’t flat.

Fire control: Water trucks can help fight fires as well as transport water to fire-prone areas.

Agriculture: Water trucks can be used in irrigation and to transport water to protect crops from droughts.

Cleaning: Water trucks can be used in street cleaning or to clean equipment at construction sites.


Types of Water Trucks and Their Capacities

Though water tank trucks mostly provide the same function, there are many different types of trucks specialized for different jobs. Here’s an overview of common types of water tankers and specs like their tank sizes and tank capacities.

Water tanker types
Standard water trucks, also called rigid or on-road water trucks, are one of the most common types of water trucks. They have a rigid frame and are typically used for dust control at construction sites accessible by standard roads and for jobs like street cleaning and firefighting.

Off-road rigid water tank trucks are designed for use on rough terrains, like what you might find in mining and on construction sites or areas that aren’t accessible by regular roads. These trucks are often used for dust control in more remote areas, such as increasing visibility in mining and quarry sites.


How to Choose the Right Water Tanker Size

Finding the right water tanker is crucial for the success of your job. Here are three key considerations to help guide that process.

1. Choose Your Capacity and Material
Choose a capacity based on how much water you need for your project. Think about how often you’ll be able to refill the tank too — a higher capacity means you may not need to take as many trips if your water source isn’t nearby. Also, make sure to choose a material based on how durable you need the tank to be and what the applications are.

2. Assess the Terrain
If you’re working off-road or in difficult-to-access areas, you’ll need a durable vehicle that can handle the terrain. For standard roads, you can use a regular water tanker or trailer with a DOT tank.

3. Determine Your Budget
Generally speaking, larger water tankers with greater capabilities will cost more. Consider the costs involved with buying and maintaining versus renting.

Water Tanker - Henan Elorry Industrial Co., Ltd.
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